Exploring new social applications and updates to old favorites

Mastodon. Activity Pub. Lemon8. And now, Threads. Keeping up with social media networks can feel overwhelming. It seems like there is always something new coming out, and the current mainstream monopolist options are constantly going through big changes to layouts and functions. These things would be overwhelming to any user, but for businesses wanting to execute the most effective marketing online, it is crucial to use the right sites and in the right way to reach the right audience and customers.

While it may be tempting to try to constantly keep up with every new application that comes out, and stress may come when you wake up to new updates once again to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter, some simple tips can help you stay on solid ground with the ever-changing world of social media.


Reserve your handle

This month, Meta Platforms Inc., the umbrella company that owns Facebook and Instagram, released their latest program, Threads. With Twitter’s future constantly in flux, there is a lot of appeal for businesses to get in on this new application that provides a similar function to the constant stream of conversation on Twitter that brought users to the app more than 10 years ago.

While Threads will likely see success since it incorporates two already successful platforms into its interface – Facebook and Instagram – it’s a good time to think over how to approach jumping on the bandwagon for new applications that may or may not be worth your time. Picking a handle so you can have your business’s identity saved is a good idea. Adding some content can be good to start and observe its performance. But it’s best to continue putting energy into regular posting on what’s working rather than trying to move on to the latest new uncertain network.

A good example of this is Mastodon. Upon Elon Musk taking over Twitter, many users moved to Mastodon as an alternative last fall. As of April 2023, the Guardian reported a decrease in users, though a niche group has stayed with the application. Often people rush to join a new application, and then it fizzles out. This isn’t to say that it’s not a good idea to join in on trends, but maybe treading lightly is better than diving in head first sometimes.


Stay up-to-date and focus on effectiveness

It seems like every day there’s a new feature on each social media app. Things get rearranged, or completely new elements get added. Knowing a change is set to happen before it does can help you keep up in making the most effective posts possible.

Consider setting up social media update news alerts on Google according to platforms you use most. In addition, following and turning on alerts for posts from founders of the apps and tech influencers who will be in the know and the first to share about said changes.

Just because there’s something new does not mean it is or is not going to be a good fit for your business. As always, it is crucial to consider your audience when deciding whether to join the latest popular social media platform. See who is joining, and consider whether your demographic is the type to jump on the newest trends or stay with what they know. Saving your handle and seeing how things pan out for new apps, while keeping focus on what will best service your business in the short and long term.


Stephanie Sokol

Digital Content Manager

Verona Creative Marketing